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中关村科技园区丰台园(北京)  来源:  作者:  2013-09-05  字体:  


  Western zone of Fengtai Science Park covers an area of 4.17 km2. Meanwhile, the planning area of the new zone occupies 3.59 million m2. This new zone will be taken as a manufacture creative center, playing the role as the cluster area of the R&D headquarters of some large manufactures, the base for manufacture technology transformation and industry incubation as well as the exhibition base for new technology and products.

  空间规划: 总部基地(东区)总面积1.81平方公里,定位为北京西南地区新的城市副中心和复合型城市功能区。总建筑规模330万平方米,采用“两轴一带双中心”的功能规划布局,以“文化景观轴”、“商务休闲轴”、“活力商业带”、“商务会展中心”及“活力商务中心”五部分构成区域核心,打造功能复合、环境优美、充满活力的高端商务功能区和花园式高科技园区典范。 总部基地(东区)商业金融用地约45公顷,容积率4.05,建筑规模约182万平方米;高科技研发用地约42公顷,容积率2.41,建筑规模约101万平方米;综合用地约5.5公顷,容积率3,建筑规模约16.5万平方米。

  Space Planning Advanced Business Park(East Zone), with the total area of 1.81 square kilometers, is positioned as a new city sub-center in south-western Beijing and a complex urban functional area. The total construction area is up to almost 3.3 million square meters is planned as the function layout of “Two Axles, One Belt, Two Centers”, is formed the regional core made up of “Cultural Landscape Axis”, “Business And Leisure Axis”, “Dynamic Commercial District”, “Business Exhibition Center” And “Vibrant Business Center”, and is established as dynamic model of high-end business function areas and garden high-tech parks with complex functions, beautiful environment.
  The commercial and financial land of Advanced Business Park(East Zone)has a total area of about 45 hectares, volume fraction 4.05 and construction size about 1.82 million square meters; the high-tech R&D land has a total area about 42 hectares, volume fraction 2.41 and building size about 1.01 million square meters; and the synthetic land has a total area about 5.5 hectares, volume fraction 3 and building size about 165 thousand square meters.

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