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2016-08-24  千龙网  



  对龙图腾他的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。 中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有振奋腾飞、开拓变化的寓意和团结凝聚的精神。

  ChineseDragon Dragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years.The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) a fetish that combinesanimals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightningand other natural celestial phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed inaccordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To theChinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.

  针灸是中医学的重要组成部分。按照中医的经络理论,针灸疗法主要是通过疏通经络、调和气血,来达到阴阳归于平衡,使脏腑趋于调和之目的。其特点是“内病外治”。主要疗法是用针刺入病人身体的一定穴位,或用艾火的温热刺激烧灼病人的穴位,以达到刺激经络。治疗病痛的目的。针灸以其独特的优势,流传至今并传播到了世界,与中餐、功夫、中药一起被海外誉为中国的“新四大国粹”。Chinese Kung Fu Chinesekung fu, or Chinese martial arts, carries traditional Chinese culture inabundance. It is a traditional Chinese sport which applies the art of attackand defence in combat and the motions engaged with a series of skill andtricks. The core idea of Chinese king fu is derived from the Confucian theoryof both “the mean and harmony” and “cultivating qi” (otherwise known asnourishing one’s spirit). Meanwhile, it also includes thoughts ofTaoism and Buddhism. Chinese kung fu has a long history, with multi-varioussects and many different boxing styles, and emphasizes coupling hardness withsoftness and internal and external training. It contains the ancient greatthinkers’ pondering of life and the universe. The skills inwielding the 18 kinds of weapons named by the later generations mainly involvethe skills of bare-handed boxing, such as shadow boxing (Taijiquan), form andwill boxing (Xingyiquan), eight trigram palm (Baguazhang), and the skills ofkung fu weaponry, such as the skill of using swords, spears, two-edged swordsand halberds, axes, tomahawks, kooks, prongs and so on.

  文房四宝:在中国,笔、墨、纸、砚(ink slab),就是人们所说的“文房四宝”,在中华文明的传承中起了重要作用。文房四宝不仅有实用价值,它们本身也是供人观赏的艺术品,并逐步成为收藏品。文房四宝品类繁多,丰富多彩,选材制作不断趋于完善、精美,历代都有名品、名匠产生,成为一种深厚的文化积淀。在当今时代,使用笔、墨、纸、砚进行学习、写作的人越来越少了,但是,在中国的书法、绘画、收藏以及修身养性活动中,它们仍起着不可替代的作用。In China, “four treasures of thestudy” refers to “writing brush”, “ink stick”, “paper” and “ink slab”, playing an importantrole in passing on Chinese civilization. They not only have their value ofpractical use, but also become the works of art for appreciation andcollection. There is a large variety of these four treasures. Selecting ofmaterials and making process have become increasingly delicate and perfect.Each dynasty of Chinese history saw famous craftsmen appear and works produced,which is a profound process of cultural accumulation.In contemporary times, “four treasures of thestudy” have been increasingly rarely used for study orwrithing, but they are still playing an irreplaceable role in the field ofChinese calligraphy, painting, collection and in the activities of cultivatingone‘s mind.

  茶马古道:茶马古道(Tea-horse Ancient Road)两边,生活着20多个少数 民族。不同的地方有着各自美丽而神奇的自然风景和传统文化,比 如:大理,丽江古城,香格里拉(Shangrila),雅鲁藏布江大峡谷和布 达拉宫(Potala Palace)。古道的两旁有庙宇、岩石壁画、骚站(post house),古桥和木板路,还有少数民族舞蹈和民族服装。时至今天, 虽然这条古道的踪迹都消失了,但它的文化和历史价值仍然存在。

  Along the Tea-horse Ancient Road lived more than 20minori?ties. Concentrations of beautiful and mysterious natural landscapes andtraditional cultures developed in various sites,including Dali old city,Lijiang old city, Shangrila, Yarlung Zangbo River Grand Canyon, Potala Palace.The road features temples, rock paintings, post houses, ancient bridges andplank roads. It is also home to many national minorities and their dances andfolk customs. Today, although the traces of the ancient road are fading away,its cultural and historic values remain.


  In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns inits development. To change their destiny, the people of Asia have been forgingahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. Asia’s developmentachievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industriousand talented Asian people. The people of Asia re fully aware that there is noready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable.They never shy away from reform and innovation.Instead, they are committed toexploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of thetimes and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects foreconomic and social development.



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