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CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - WWW2002: Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference


  7-11 May 2002

  Honolulu, Hawaii USA




  DUE 13 NOV 2001


  The 2002 International World Wide Web Conference will be held 7-11 May2002 in Honolulu, Hawaii.  Eleventh in the series of prestigiousinternational WWW conferences, WWW2002 will be the year's premierconference related to the Web with significant participation from bothacademia and industry.  The International WWW Conference Series is managedby the International World Wide Web Conference Committee (IW3C2) which isorganizing WWW2002 with the University of Hawaii and the PacificTelecommunications Council.  The WWW Consortium (W3C) and IFIP WorkingGroup 6.4 on Internet Applications Engineering are WWW2002 conferencepartners.

  This conference covers key technical areas related to the Web.  The mainrefereed paper section of the conference consists of ten tracks includingapplications, browsers and user interfaces, electronic commerce andsecurity, hypermedia, languages, mobility and wireless access, multimedia,performance, searching, querying, indexing, and crawling, and semanticWeb. The semantic Web track is new for this year and highlights thegrowing importance of this field.  Refereed paper proceedings will bepublished by ACM.  Papers for the refereed track must be submitted on-line13 NOV 2001 to be considered.

  In addition to the main refereed paper tracks, there are a set ofalternate tracks covering a variety of areas including education, globalcommunity, telehealth, practice and experience, and Web engineering.  Theconference also includes Poster presentations of breaking work,preconference Tutorials and Workshops, and a post-conference DevelopersDay specially for web developers.  The W3C Advisory Committee will meetjust before WWW2002, and W3C will participate actively in the conferencethrough the informative and timely W3C Track.

  Hawaii's mid-Pacific location and multi-cultural heritage underlie aphysical and social accessibility that make it one of the finest and mostaffordable major cities for drawing together colleagues from the Americas,Asia, Europe, the Pacific and Africa.  Well-known for its natural beauty,temperate climate and visitor attractions, Hawaii's suitability as a venuefor international meetings, business and technology has been all too oftenovershadowed by its more common reputation as an extraordinary resortdestination.

  The WWW2002 organizers, partners and volunteers cordially invite yourparticipation in whatever way best fits your contribution -- from papers,panel discussions and posters to workshops and tutorials.  The detailedCall for Participation is available at:

  http://www2002.org/cfp.html where you will find deadlines, procedures,formats and individual contact information for each aspect of theconference program.

  **************************************************************************The  WWW2002-Announce  mailing  list  is  used  to  notify  all interestedindividuals or groups of  the latest information  on the upcoming EleventhInternational World Wide Web Conference, WWW2002, formerly referred  to asWWW11.  This email list  will be used  to send  you  updates  and periodicreminders about  the WWW2002  conference that  will be  held in  Honolulu,Hawaii, USA on May 7-11, 2002.

  To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message to:


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  This is an announcements-only email list.  Messages can only posted by thelist administrator. Any questions or comments about the conference or thislist can be sent to info@www2002.org


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