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14th Annual FIRST Computer Security Conference Announcement

  应急响应和安全小组论坛(FIRST)将于2002年6月23-28号在夏威夷的Hilton Waikoloa Beach Village召开。选择夏威夷作为会议举办地是以为其文化的多元性和它距离太平洋沿岸国家近。FIRST正致力于缩小亚洲国家和全球其他国家在计算机安全领域的差距。


  参加者既包括来自FIRST会员小组的代表(目前这100多个小组中的人员总数已经超过了百万)也包括一些象决策者,安全技术革新者,站点安全联系人和系统网络管理员之类的非FIRST会员。会员小组包括生产商(如:Cisco公司,IBM等),ISP(如:Worldcom/UUNET和AT&T等)和安全公司或机构(如CERT/CC,ISS, Network Associates等)。在过去的两届会议中每届都有来自35个不同国家的大致325位参加者。


  FIRST为每年的会议恳请赞助。以前的赞助商包括许多大的公司例如Alcatel, British Telecom, Cisco, Citigroup, France Telecom,PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Tele Denmark, SBC, Veridian,XP Conseil等。

Phoebe J. Boelter
CAPS, Ltd.
212 West Washington, Suite 1804
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone 312-372-1255
Fax 312-372-1427
E-mail pboelter@caps-ltd.com


The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) will hold the 14th Annual FIRST Computer Security Conference at the Hilton Waikoloa Beach Village on The Big Island of Hawaii June 23 - 28, 2002.  Hawaii was selected as the site for Conference because of its cultural diversity and its proximity to the Pacific Rim Countries. FIRST is striving to bridge the computer security gap between the countries of Asia and the rest of its global membership.

This conference is international in scope and attendance, with presentations on the latest in incident response and prevention, vulnerability analysis, and computer security, given by recognized experts in the field of computer security. A copy of the Preliminary Agenda is available on the FIRST web site www.first.org.

Participants include representatives from FIRST member teams (currently over 100 teams with a combined international constituency reaching into the millions) in addition to non-members representing policy and decision-makers, security technology innovators, site security contacts, and system and network administrators. Member teams include vendors such as Cisco Systems and IBM, ISPs such as Worldcom/UUNET and AT&T, and security companies or organizations such as CERT Coordination Center, ISS, and Network Associates. There have been approximately 325 participants, representing more than 35 countries in attendance at each of the past two conferences.

FIRST conferences are designed to promote FIRST organization goals of worldwide coordination and cooperation.  It serves as the foundation for the improvement of computer security worldwide by sharing goals, ideas, and information. It provides a prime opportunity for those in the operating system, computer security and networking, and telecommunications industries to gain focused access to a highly influential group of computer security incident response experts from around the world.  Conference attendees commonly provide computer security advice within their own Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) and suggest security strategies, provide technical solutions to security problems, and deliver security education and training to their constituents.

FIRST solicits partial sponsorship for the annual conferences. Past sponsors include companies such as
Alcatel, British Telecom, Cisco, Citigroup, France Telecom, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Tele Denmark, SBC, Veridian, and XP Conseil.



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